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Polish school of textiles, or how we unleashed a revolution in the art world - Abakanowicz, Owidzka, Sadley, Plutyńska, Wojtyna-Drouet, Chojnacka and others.

Katarzyna Jasiołek

Artistic fabric is currently experiencing a renaissance. In recent years we see it in galleries and museums, at auctions, in interior design magazines, and it is also returning to our interiors. Few people know, however, that it was not until 1960 with two solo exhibitions - Abakanowicz and Owidzka - that it gained the status of high art in the eyes of critics and the public. And two years later, the first edition of the Lausanne Biennale brought fame to Polish women artists and textile artists. They presented to the world a fabric so different from what was expected that the term “Polish school of textiles” was coined. We unleashed a revolution that drew in artists from all over the world for the next decade, changing the face of this field of art, this medium. Today, the Central Museum of Textiles in Lodz organizes the International Triennial of Textiles, and our artists participate in events around the world. Objects at reviews and exhibitions surprise and excite. Hear about the fabric.

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  • Magdalena Abakanowicz
  • Maria Owidzka
  • Wojciech Sadley
  • Jolanta Rudzka-Habisiak
  • Maria Plutyńska
  • Krystyna Wojtyna-Drouet
  • Barbara Chojnacka
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Katarzyna Jasiołek

Graduate of Polish philology at the University of Warsaw. Author of books: “Asteroid and half-couch. About Polish postwar design” (Marginesy Publishing House, 2020), ”Packaging, or perfuming herring. On graphics, advertising and commerce in the People's Republic of Poland” (2021), ”Hanna Lachert. Convenience more important than beauty” (2022), ”Fabric. Art and Craft” (2023). She writes articles and texts for art exhibition catalogs. Passionate about interiors, she is an admirer of second-hand objects and frequents antique fairs. Accompanying her curiosity about human stories and objects, she tries to save the former from oblivion in her books, and invites the latter to her interiors for a closer look.




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